I'm very sorry that I haven't been updating the blog very often. I had very good intentions, but when it came to taking a nap or getting on the computer, I took a nap (on multiple days). And when I had to choose between taking a shower or getting on the computer, I took a shower (I don't usually get one every day, so I opt for one whenever I can). I have been taking lots of pictures, and I will try to get them up after I get back from my trip.
Speaking of the trip, for those who don't know, Savannah and I are currently in Carpentersville, IL, a suburb of Chicago, visiting Uncle Nick and Aunt Becky. (This is why I have time to get on the computer, I don't have to worry about the cleaning or cooking). We are here to see family and attend my cousin's wedding. Kyle is currently in Atlanta at a trade show. He is working, we are relaxing. (Don't feel too bad, he slept through the night last night, and that's something we both look forward to!) So yes, that means that Savannah has been on a big bird, and she did great. I had to juggle a lot of things, carrying her, her car seat, and our luggage, but we managed.
Savannah is growing like a weed. She'll get weighed next week after we get home - she has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and she will get her shots. :( So I'm not sure exactly how much she weighs, but she seems to be right on track with gaining a ounce a day. At 4 weeks she was 7.5 lbs, so that would put her at about 9 lbs now! She was 21.25 inches long at 4 weeks, and was 22.25 inches long at 6 weeks, so she is definitely about to outgrow the newborn clothes she has been wearing!
Overall, I have to say that Savannah is great baby. She usually only cries when she is hungry or tired. She stays awake, most of the time, when she is nursing (for the first few weeks she was sleepy all the time and I had to constantly wake her up to keep her eating.) She takes a bottle without any problems, other than it running down her chin from time to time. She is awake more now, and much more alert. She likes to look at you when you hold her out in front of you, and likes to listen to music. She sleeps well most of the time, taking a few good naps during the day and sleeping 4-5 hours straight at night. She has gone longer than that a few times, so she just might be well on her way to sleeping though the night soon! We will be very excited when that happens on a regular basis!!!!!