Monday, September 29, 2008
Look at what I can do!!!
So last week was a pretty hectic week for our family. Kyle started a new job as the manager of the Family Christian Store here in Danville. (He has worked for the company as a store manager before, and was even offered the Danville store at one point...I think God wanted us to be here!) He is really enjoying being back in retail and the change of pace from working in an office. (He says the day goes by much faster).
Savannah was 12 weeks on Tuesday, and showed off a new skill that morning. Kyle was in the basement on the computer and I was playing with Savannah on the floor in the nursery. She was having some tummy time, when all of a sudden she rolled over onto her back. I screamed for Kyle (I was very excited and proud and wanted him to see) and his heart dropped and he came running up stairs thinking something was wrong (but he was excited and proud too).
She didn't do it again until Thursday, when I was able to catch her on "film." It wasn't easy, because she is a quick little Bug, but I think I did a pretty good job. She has decided that she doesn't like being on her tummy much, so she rolls almost every time you put her on her tummy, unless she is tired. Then, rolling is just too much effort.
Here is Savannah with her zebra at 12 weeks!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
So, I'm pretty cute, as you can tell from my pictures, but I am absolutely adorable when I smile! I started smiling at Mommy while we were in Chicago, but I'm a little camera shy, so it took her a while to get a picture of me doing it. Now she has a few to share...and I'm starting to feel better about being in front of a camera. (Good news for Mommy, who likes taking pictures, especially of me!)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Growing Little Girl
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Tummy Time
So Mommy has gone a little crazy with the slideshows, because I am fast asleep and she finally has time to figure out how to set them up and post them to the blog. This one is fun to watch as I move.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Uncle Nick
I wasn't so sure I was going to like Uncle Nick. He called me Fuss Monster all the time, and a few other names that didn't sound very nice, and kept saying I was breaking his rules.
(As soon as Mommy and I got off the plane, we were informed of Uncle Nick's rules --Rule #1: No crying. Rule #2: Nick doesn't change any poopy diapers. Rule #3: Nick doesn't change any non-poopy diapers.)
I don't know what he was complaining about, I don't cry that much; just when I am hungry, tired or need a change of scenery. By the end of the week, he did chill out a little. He fed me a bottle, changed a diaper or two, and held me. The last night, I fell asleep in his arms, and he took me to bed with him. He didn't want Mommy to take me (I think he misses me. Hey, he and Aunt Becky could hurry up and I could have a cousin to play with. That would be really cool!)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Uncles and Aunt
Mommy's brothers finally got to meet and hold me. They did a pretty good job holding me, and I guess they are alright.