So here I am at 14 weeks. I'm growing lots and smiling all the time. I still don't have much hair, but I'm working on that. I have started to figure out my hands and how I can make them do things...like pick up toys and grab onto fingers. I have also started to suck on my fist. Yes, I often try to stick the entire thing in my mouth, but that doesn't usually work very well. I decided that individual fingers just aren't my thing right now, but all of them together, now that is something to suck on!
Mommy found these sun glasses for me on clearance, and she thinks I look pretty cool with them on. I'm not so sure about them, as I'm not used to having
something stuck on my face. But I have to admit, I do look pretty cool in this picture, hanging out with my favorite toy, my Bee!

Mommy made me a hat...another hat. I guess Mommy is worried about my head getting cold, since I don't have much hair. I do like this hat though...it matched the blanket that I sleep with every night Mommy made for me, and it is pretty warm, so maybe that will be good, because it is getting colder here.