So here we are on Halloween. Nana and Papa came up to see me, and then we all went to have dinner with Daddy, since he had to work. I'm dressed up in my Lady Bug outfit. (Aren't I cute!!) Daddy was so glad he got to see me in my costume on my first Halloween.
So, this past week, I finally got over my cold, and passed it on to Daddy. Mommy stayed well, which is really good, because somebody had to take care of me and Daddy. I got lots of comments from people at church about how small I am (I not very chubby, but hey, look at my parents) and about how I'm strong, but never still. (I think they called me wiggly, and Daddy says he should have named me Wiggles, because I'm never still, not even when I sleep!)
I went back to the doctor for my 4 month checkup (yup, its been 4 months since my grand entrance). Doc said I'm doing well. I'm 24.5 inches and weigh 10 lbs. 2 oz. I have some dry skin, but nothing that some good lotion won't help. I got two shots, but I did much better this time and didn't turn purple from crying so hard, so that was an improvement.
On Friday, I hit another big developmental milestone. I rolled from my back to my front for the first time!! I surprised Mommy when I did it...I had just gotten a bath and Mommy was putting lotion on me on the kitchen counter when I decided it was time to make it all the way over (I had been trying for a few weeks, but couldn't quite make it all the way until yesterday!)