I surprised Mommy this morning when she came to get me...I was standing up waiting for her!!! She opened my door and saw me like this, called for Daddy to come and see, and then went to get the camera (of course). I was pretty proud of myself, Mommy and Daddy seemed a little concerned. (Maybe it was because they had just lowered my bed a few days ago, and now they are going to need to lower it some more!)

Of course, Mommy was just happy to see that I was feeling better. We had to make a special trip to my doctor yesterday. He said that I didn't have an ear infection, but probably had the stomach flu that has been going around...he was right! (I got Mommy good while she was feeding me Monday night, but then after everything got cleaned up, and I mean everything, I finished my bottle just fine. Then, when I woke up around 2 am and Mommy came to check on me, she and Daddy had to change me and the bed, but then I went right back to sleep. In the morning, Mommy fed me just a little bit to see how I would do, and things seemed to be fine, until she put me down for just a minute. When she came back, she had to clean up me, the playpen, and a few of my toys.)
My doctor said that I would probably have some diarrhea as well and the upset stomach, but I only had a little of that.
What was really bad was that later this afternoon, Mommy came down with the stomach flu also! She had it worse than I did, but she survived!