Silly Daddy was tired (he didn't get a nap on the way like me and Mommy did) so he tried to take a little nap after lunch.

But I didn't let him sleep too long. I wanted to play!!

We brought my new table, and I was having fun with it, and my picnic set (Christmas present from Nana and Papa...its a soft picnic basket with a sandwich, a slice of watermelon, a grape soda, and a chocolate ice cream cone all made of fabric, and each one makes a different noise). I was having fun "eating" part of my sandwich!
Here I am with my first Bunny Cake. I didn't understand why they put this funny looking thing in front of me, and then took all these pictures.
This thing feels funny (it got on my toes too) and I'm not too sure about it, but that red stuff look like it might be fun!

So I still am not sure what they wanted me to do with that giant bunny, but maybe next year I will figure it out. I did get a really neat toy out of the deal, a bag of pretty rocks, that makes really fun noise (a.k.a a bag a jelly beans)!