In the morning, I got to play with Nana's fun toys. We ate a big meal later in the afternoon, and I had to try some new things...I wasn't a fan of the cranberry relish or the sweet potato casserole. I'm not a big fan of mashed potatoes either, but I ate the bread and the turkey very well!
Here I am, playing in the basket that holds the toys. I decided it would hold me!

Uncle Philip thought so too, so he picked me up. I was a little scared at first, but then I thought that it was fun!!!

Look at me!

On Friday, Mommy went with Nana, Grammy, Aunt Lindsay, and Aunt Anna to a craft show, so I got to stay with Daddy, Papa, and Uncle Philip. We watched a lot of football, and we all took a nap together too!
Saturday was a relaxing day, just hanging out with everyone. I also got the opportunity to work on my musical skills on Nana's piano. I am now quite competent at climbing onto the piano bench and sliding back and forth on it, so that I can reach all of the keys. That is a really good thing, because when I play, I like to use the entire keyboard!! Mommy was excited that I was playing music...Daddy tried to get me to play ball with him. (Don't worry Daddy, I still like playing ball with you!)

We went to church Sunday morning, and then went to one of Mommy's favorite restaurants, Smithfield's, for lunch. Then it was time to head home. I was a good girl on the way home, and slept for two hours. It was really fun to go to Nana and Papa's house. I hope we get to go again soon!