Favorite thing: Waking up to a surprise! Yesterday morning when I woke up, Papa and Nana, and Uncle Philip and Aunt Lindsay were here! They came to see me (and Daddy and Mommy, too)! I have missed them all, and was so happy to have family to play with (plus Nana brought me presents...mostly things from Christmas that didn't fit in the car, but it was like getting them new all over again)!
Favorite thing: new shoes! I love shoes, and yesterday Nana bought me some new ones, because I've already outgrown my first pair of tennis shoes! Thanks Nana!!
Favorite thing: A cell phone...especially when it has a picture of a dog on it! (Dogs are definitely a favorite thing of mine. Mommy says I am obsessed with them.)

This morning, we all went to the children's museum in town. I sure had a lot of fun! Here I am putting the chocolate chips into the cookies. Yum!

Favorite thing: balance beam! Daddy was helping me walk across it! I have been working on this in my gymnastics class, but this one is a lot taller!

Everyone was trying to get me to help put those funny colored pieces on Uncle Philip. I didn't understand why they were doing that, so I just looked at them, and went to find something more fun to do.

Favorite thing: airplanes. I finally got to fly one myself, or at least pretend to! I was having a really good time being a pilot!

Daddy even joined me!

Least favorite thing: having to share...I had to get out of the plane so that another little girl could have a turn.
Favorite thing: trains! Since they used to come right past our house, and I could see them from the windows, I love trains. Every time I hear the whistle, I say "
choo!" I really had fun making this one go around the track (I could push a button that made it go)!

Mommy was excited that I liked playing with the tractor, in the corn. She thought it was a great idea, a table with corn to play in instead of sand!

Favorite thing: slides. Daddy thought it was a little odd that I was sliding out of a cow's backside...I just thought it was fun going down the slide!

So many favorite things in such a short amount of time. I wonder what other fun things we will do this weekend?