and I'll sleep if I want to. Yes, I slept through the first 30 minutes of my party. Daddy put me down after church, but I knew something was going on and I was afraid of missing it, so I didn't want to go to sleep. Finally, after about 45 minutes, I gave in to the tiredness and fell asleep. But since I was sleeping so well, I didn't even notice that 30 some people showed up at my house for my birthday party! (Yes Daddy, I really can sleep though quite a bit of noise!)

Once I finally woke up, Daddy got me dressed in my birthday outfit that Grandma made, and I joined everyone. I even got to eat birthday party food...hamburger, slice of cheese, watermelon (which I'm not a fan of, by the way) and goldfish crackers! It was hard to eat, because so much was going on around me!
Then it was time for cake. But I wasn't too sure about it. I hadn't noticed earlier (because I was still half asleep) that there were strange things tied to my chair, and I was done eating, but Mommy made me get back into my chair. Then she set this big tray down in front of me, but it didn't look like anything I'm supposed to eat. I didn't know what was going on.

Then Mommy put a candle on the tray, lit it, and everyone came into the room and started singing to me!! I'm not sure what the song was, but I had fun looking around the room at everyone! Mommy and Daddy blew out the candle. (I guess I was supposed to, but I haven't really figured out blowing that well yet.)

And here is my Lady Bug cake. (I'm still the cutest Bug in this house! Yes, for those who don't know, Mommy and Daddy nicknamed me Bug.)

Since everyone else wanted a piece of cake, I got my very own cupcake to eat, while they all shared the Lady Bug cake. I wasn't too sure of the cake at first, and just kept poking at it. Then Mommy put a piece in my mouth!

I quickly decided I like cake, grabbed a big piece, and went for it! I had to "chew" on that chunk for a few minutes (there is only so much a girl can do without teeth.)

Then I had to make sure it all stayed in my mouth.

I ate almost the whole cupcake, plus Mommy gave me a little bit of ice cream! Wow, I like birthday parties! When can I have another one?