So lets recap a few of my most recent milestones, and the things I have to look forward to... I can crawl, I can walk, I can climb stairs, I can climb onto the couch and into the rocking chair. My hair is stable at the moment, not really growing, but not really falling out either. No, I don't have any teeth yet, but I get by pretty well without them. (Mommy wonders were I store all the food I eat. She thinks that my legs must be hollow!) I can say Mama and Dada, but usually just during my ramblings. If someone says Dada while talking about Daddy, I will often repeat it. The only time I really say Mama is when I am upset and crying, then I yell out mama mama mama.

My favorite food for a long time has been cottage cheese, but I love any cheese, and I don't really have any foods that I don't like. I think that I found a new favorite food this week...banana bread! Ummm! One time this week, I ate a whole muffin all by myself in just one meal, plus a few other things!

I'm growing quite a bit, but I'm not really putting on much
thickness. (Even though I eat like my Uncle Nick!) I'm just too active! I'm going, going, going, all day long. Mommy needs a nap just to keep up with me! All in all, I'm loving life, and I'm excited to see how my first year
wraps up and my second year starts!
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