Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Such a pretty picture

Yesterday, Mommy decided to let me trying coloring again, since I kept trying to draw on her paper, with her pencil. I had a good time coloring, but I didn't want Mommy to help me. I'm a big girl and I can do things on my own. (Well, sorta. But I'm sure going to try!) Somehow, I ended up with crayon all over my face!

I sure am cute, even with a messy face. And yes, I was using a purple crayon!

I think that I made a respectable work of art, for my age and understanding. Mommy thought so to, so she hung it on the fridge, and then took a picture of it hanging on the fridge. Daddy thought that Mommy was crazy, but she wanted to document my first artwork on the fridge!

Then I got to play with Daddy on the couch. I really like playing with Daddy. (Mommy says I'm starting to be quite the Daddy's girl!)

And yes, I'm super sweet!

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