Mommy decided to take monthly pictures of me with my zebra, this one just happened to be a little late. But as you can see, I am growing! I've learned to do lots of new things too! I point to things that I want, and I can sort different shapes. I do all the circles together, and all the squares together, and all the triangles together! I started walking backwards last week, and just today I started running! (We went to a park and there was a lot of people and a lot of wide open space, and I took advantage of the space so that I could see the people!

Yes, I smile and laugh all the time. I don't have a lot of words yet, but I talk all the time, and I'm usually pretty loud. Daddy has told me quite a few times to "use your inside voice," but I'm not really sure what that means. Mommy just says shhh, and that usually works for a few minutes. I love to say ut-oh. I say it when I drop something, or when something falls, but I say it a lot of other times too, just because I can!

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