This is my serious side. (And look, I have a bow in my hair, finally!)

A bit of a smile...

Now the real me comes shining through! Yes, I'm a silly little girl, and I love to laugh and smile.

Now for a few of my accomplishments...
Last week I got my first skinned knee. It happened while I was playing in the front yard with Mommy and Daddy. Mommy was trying to keep me in the grass, so I wouldn't fall on the concrete, but I didn't listen, and I fell. But I was having too much fun running around to let it slow me down (and it really wasn't that bad).
On Saturday, I spent the night at Nana and Papa's house (without Mommy and Daddy) for the first time. I had a lot of fun playing with Aunt Anna, Uncle Philip, and Aunt Lindsay, and Nana and Papa too!
I can point to a few parts of my face, like my ears and my nose. And when I point to my nose, I say "na"! I'm working on mouth, but the eyes confuse me because it sounds a lot like ears. I can also point to my belly button.
Mommy is trying to teach me some sign language. I haven't caught on to much yet, but I have learned the sign for "more", so I can ask for more when I am still hungry!