Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Check out my curls!!!

Daddy left for Hagerstown on Sunday, to start his new job, so it has just been the girls at home. Mommy now gets to give me a bath and put me to bed (this used to be my special time with Daddy). Mommy was surprised to see what happened to my hair after she tried to dry it with the towel!

Look, I've got curls! Mommy new that the back and sides curled a bit when it was really humid, but the top of my head is covered in them after my bath!

Mommy is hoping that as I get older and my hair grows some more, that I will have some curl to my hair, or at the very least, that my hair will hold a curl once it is there. I think it is funny how excited Mommy gets about my damp hair!

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