Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Time to let some energy out!

I was a really good girl all day. I was quiet when I was supposed to be, took a good nap, handled strangers well, and did an excellent job as a flower girl. So when the music started, so did I! (I needed to burn off some energy, and I had a good time doing it!)

Mommy and Daddy couldn't get me off the dance floor! I was having too much fun!

At one point, when there were a bunch of couples slow dancing, I just kept running in circles around one couple!

I was so wiggly and wanted to dance, this was the best family picture we got of us all dressed up. Don't Mommy and Daddy look nice!

1 comment:

L$ said...

that's a beautiful family picture. i enjoy reading about what's going on w/ you three!