That's a lot of snow that fell in less than 12 hours, and Mommy and Daddy said that it is probably going to keep snowing for a while!

Mommy knew that we were supposed to get a lot of snow, so yesterday she bought me a snow suit, boots, and a sled! Here I am, all ready for the snow! (Yes, I just figured out how to make a cheesy face whenever Mommy is trying to take my picture!)

Mommy knew that we were supposed to get a lot of snow, so yesterday she bought me a snow suit, boots, and a sled! Here I am, all ready for the snow! (Yes, I just figured out how to make a cheesy face whenever Mommy is trying to take my picture!)
I'm a purple marshmallow! But I sure am cute and warm!!!!

Look, the snow is higher than my waist!

I tried to sit on it, but is was so fluffy that I just sunk right in. I was so surprised by that, then I lost my balance and went in face first. That surprised me too, how cold the snow actually is!
By the time I got in my new sled, the snow was so deep that Daddy could hardly walk in it.

I didn't make it far before I tipped over. I lost my mitten and started crying. Snow isn't as fun as I thought! Mommy and Daddy started looking for my mitten, but were having a hard time finding it. Daddy thought we were just going to have to wait until the snow melted to find it, but Mommy told him it was my only pair...he kept digging, and in just a minute he found it!!!
Daddy tried taking me on another trip down the little hill, but I just cried the whole time. Mommy decided we should go check on the neighbors, so we walked (well, Mommy and Daddy trudged through knee-deep snow, while carrying me) over and said hi. I cried the whole way over, and the whole way back. I'm not a fan of snow!
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