I'm working on two front teeth and a molar, so that is why I was a little cranky when we were in Iowa.

I don't like to sit still for pictures, because I want to see each one after Mommy takes it! (Once Mommy figured this out and started showing me, I was much more cooperative.)
~Feed myself with a spoon.
~Walk up and down two stairs all by myself.
~Brush my teeth, with a little help.
~Take a bath in the big tub.
~Say dog, and then bark. "uff, uff"
~Now use the "ssss" and "shhhh" sounds.
~Shake my head yes and mean it. (Mommy has found this to be very helpful)
~Climb on everything.
I really am not a fan of snow/cold/wind. And I no longer use a pacifier. (Mommy said that they got lost on the plane.)
At my doctor's visit, I got two more shots, but am almost done with my vaccinations. I am 22 pounds, 12 ounces (25th percentile), 34 inches tall (95th percentile), head circumference 47.5 cm (75th percentile). And on the weight-for-length scale, I'm still less than the 5th percentile...aka I'm long and lean, just like my parents!
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