On Tuesday morning, we found out that Gigipa, my great-grandpa Wester, had died early that morning. We were sad, but also relieved, as he had been ready and waiting for his Savior to call him home. And now Gigipa has a perfect body and is no longer troubled by the things of this world!
But, there is a funeral to go to, in Iowa. And we had to leave right away! So Mommy spent about 4 hours looking at every conceivable way to get the three of us on a plane to Iowa yesterday, for as little money (considering) as possible. She was on the phone with Daddy, on Skype with Gma and Gpa, calling the airlines, all while looking online. She was also trying to coordinate with Gma and Gpa so we could all ride back to Paullina (where Mommy grew up and Gigi and Gigipa live) together from the airport in Omaha (a 2 and a half hour trip) and so Daddy could ride back to the airport with Great-uncle Lowell. I helped out by falling asleep in my highchair during lunch, and then taking a good nap, so that Mommy wasn't distracted by me!
Finally, just after I woke up, Mommy had it all figured out and tickets bought. Then all she had to do was laundry and pack, because we had to leave the house yesterday morning at 7 am!
So, we left bright and early, on a bit of an adventure to take the back way to Dulles Airport, outside of DC (which we have never been to), and try to beat the morning rush hour traffic. We did beat most of the traffic and got to the airport in plenty of time for Mommy and me to make our flight. (Yes, I said Mommy and me!) We had a bit of a time finding our way through the maze of security and trying to get to our gate. Since I was in my stroller, it involved 3 elevators and a train (of which I was NOT a fan)!
We boarded our plane and luckily we had an extra seat next to us, so I had my own seat! I got to use the seat belt and everything! We ate a quick lunch Mommy bought before we boarded, and Mommy tried to get me to take a nap, since that is what I usually do after lunch, and it was a 3 hour flight. But I wasn't having it!! I was having too much fun being on a plane again!!
Mommy wanted to see what a difference a year makes...quite a lot!!

In the mean time, Daddy was on his way to Baltimore, through rush hour traffic! Yes, Daddy flew on a different airline, out of a different airport! He made it there without any trouble, and had plenty of time before his flight.
Since I didn't take a nap on the plane, I succumbed pretty quickly once we got to Dallas and Mommy was pushing me through the terminal. Once we got to our gate, Mommy propped me up like this, so my head wouldn't kept bobbing, and I could sleep.

I took a decent nap and did great on our second flight. We actually landed about 10 minutes early, and we were happy to see that Daddy had just arrived, about 10 minutes before we did. Gma and Gpa had landed about 3 hours earlier, but they had been able to run a few errands before coming back to the airport to get us. Didn't Mommy do a great job figuring out all these flights!
It was getting close to dinner time, but we decided to try and get part of the way to Paullina before stopping, which would allow us to eat at Olive Garden. I have only had the privilege of eating there a few times, but I really love the bread sticks! After a big day, a full belly, and getting into my PJ's, it wasn't long before I fell asleep. We made it back to Gigi's house, I was put in bed, and slept peacefully. Mommy and Daddy got a few minutes with all of Mommy's family while they made sure I was asleep, then they went to bed too.
Things were a little crazy, especially for Mommy, but we made it and now the family is all together.
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