What a good looking pair!

So, in case you couldn't tell, I'm growing, a lot! I'm also learning a lot too! Some of my new words...door, clock, my, bird. I'm learning new ones so fast Mommy can't keep up with all that I can say. It is so nice to finally be able to tell Mommy and Daddy what I want and what I'm thinking!!
I am working on my colors and making a lot of progress. When Mommy asks me to find a certain color, I can almost always get it right. I have a harder time coming up with the right word when asked what color something is, but I'm sure I'll master that soon too. I can say the eight basic color names!
I love to run and climb and I'm getting really good at jumping. I have strong arms and can pull my feet up over my head when I hang on the rings on the playground! I love to swing almost as much as I love slides, which is a big change for me!
I can walk down the stairs without holding on, but I'm not very confident about it, so I still hold on most of the time. Going up without holding on is a little tougher, so I'm still working on that.
I am doing a really good job of using the potty and I'm working on giving up diapers! In just a few weeks I have come a long ways, and now I get to wear big girl undies! I only wear diapers when I sleep and when we go out sometimes. I wake up at night when I need to go, and so Mommy and Daddy have to help me, but that means I am making progress there too!
Mommy told me that I am getting so big, that soon I will have a birthday, and a party! I'm so excited to turn two! I can say two, but I'm still learning how to hold up just two fingers. I'll get there soon!
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