We went to Nana and Papa's house for Labor Day weekend! I was so excited to see everyone and play with Ru-Ru (Nana's dog Rudy)! I got to sleep in a big bed, because I'm a big girl now, and I remembered all of Nana's toys, and went
straight to them as soon as I had my breakfast on Saturday!
After a little play time, all of us girls (Mommy, Nana, Aunt Lindsay, Aunt Anna, and I) went on a little outing (more on that in the next post)! We came back for lunch and a nap, and then it was time to head outside and get wet!
Yes, even though it wasn't as warm as I would have liked it, Nana's pool was calling my name! I had a lot of fun using the big cups to water the grass all around the pool.

Aunt Anna got a little too close, so I watered her leg too!

The cold water finally won, and I was done. But Uncle Boo carried me inside, so that was fun!
Then it was time to get dressed so that we could go to a special place, the race track! I got to go to my very first race! I watched the cars go round and round in circles. The cars were pretty loud, so I got to wear my ear muffs, but I could still hear them go voom voom voom!
Me and Nana clapping at the end of one of the races!

It was a long, but very fun day. Daddy will always remember the first race he took me too!