Yes, that's what I said, pumpkin chucking. Our church holds an annual contest to see who can chuck a pumpkin the farthest, using some crazy looking machiny-thing called a trebuchet. To go along with the pumpkin throwing, there is also a car and motorcycle show! And it was today!
I got to hang out with my buddy Landen today, which was really fun. We looked at some of the cars, and then watched the motorcycle stunt show. It was really neat!
I got to hang out with my buddy Landen today, which was really fun. We looked at some of the cars, and then watched the motorcycle stunt show. It was really neat!

(That's Landen on the right.) The guy on the motorcycle is doing a wheelie, while standing on only one leg!

After the stunt show was over, Landen and I went to play a few games! This game was called Ring Toss, but Landen and I thought it was a lot more fun to see how many rings we could stack on each peg!

I'm not sure what the next game was actually called, but Daddy kept calling in Plinko. I don't know what Plinko is supposed to be, but it was fun to watch the rings bounce around the little pegs on the way down.

Next was the basketball shoot. The silly guy running the game wanted me to shoot from a long ways away.

That didn't really work for me, so I got a little closer. OK, a lot closer, but it was a lot more fun this way!

After the games, it was finally time to watch the pumpkin chucking!!!! They had two sizes, this small one, and two big ones. It was fun to watch them, even though I didn't really understand what was happening at first. It wasn't until the 3rd or 4th pumpkin that I caught on to watching where they would go.

You can go here to watch a video of the big trebuchet test launch a rock. Today it launched a pumpkin 650 ft, at about 150 mph!
I had quite a fun morning!
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