Saturday, January 10, 2009

6 Months Old!!

So I made it to my half birthday, and I heard that a lot of people stayed up til midnight to celebrate as soon as it officially became my half birthday! I, however, was sleeping peacefully in my bed, and Mommy and Daddy said they were in bed too, but lots of people were celebrating for me, because Mommy and Daddy heard fireworks going off, which made Lily bark...and I slept peacefully through it all.

In my first 6 months, I have been very busy. I have been to the beach and dipped my toes in the Atlantic Ocean. I have been on a big plane, I have already been to 4 states (VA, NC, IL, WI), and I've been to 2 weddings.

I have grown quite a bit too. I just had my 6 month check-up and found out I weigh 14 lb 9 oz and I'm 26 1/2 in long! I'm in the 25th percentile for weight and the 75th for height, but I am less than 5th in the weight/height ratio. (Yup, tall and skinny just like my parents.)
I have gained many skills the past few months...holding my head up, controlling my arms and legs, rolling from back to front and front to back, baby push-ups, sitting up on my own! Now I am moving on to crawling. Look out world, here I come!!!!

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