For Christmas, I got these really neat little food nets and I finally got to try one out. Mommy put a piece of banana inside, and I got to suck on it! I really liked the way it squished out into my mouth! I hope Mommy lets me try other new foods this way too!
This is me in my cool high chair...this is where I get to sit when Mommy tries to get me to eat my fruits and veggies. I just figured out that I'm supposed to open my mouth when the spoon is right in front of me, and it seems to have made a big difference to Mommy...she is a lot more relaxed when I eat.

So I made a bit of a mess, and had a lot of fun, eating my banana, so it was time for my bath. Mommy just got me a new bathtub, since I had outgrown my first one. Now I can sit up and play with my rubber duckie and my cups! Baths are much more fun now.
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