Yesterday was not my best day. In fact, it may have been my worst day, ever.
I woke up fine and got to watch Mickey Mouse, and then Mommy made me an egg (my preferred breakfast, every day). I only ate about half of it, and it wasn't sitting well with my stomach, so I _____. (I'll let you fill in that blank.) Mommy thought that I just had too much snot in my tummy, since I've had a runny nose (and I've had tummy trouble before because of that), so she made me some toast. I only had a few bites of that, and then I _____. Mommy and Daddy decided that there was more going on with my tummy than they thought, and breakfast was over. I was starting to feel pretty bad, so Mommy let me watch my new Winnie the Pooh video, and I vegged out on the couch with her.
Grandma and Grandpa came and they were sad to hear that I wasn't feeling well. We learned that Grandma had been up part of the night because she wasn't feeling well, so she was really tired. I hadn't been watching my movie for long when I _____ again. Mommy was prepared and had a bowl ready for me, so that was nice (I didn't mess up Nick and Becky's sofa).
I continued the pattern of ________ about every 30-45 minutes all morning long. I was getting really good and knowing when it was about to happen, but I couldn't even keep water down. I finally fell asleep around 11 and got a nap. Meanwhile, Daddy decided that he wanted to join the sick party too (although his stomach wasn't as mad at him as mine was of me).
Needless to say, no one was really in the mood to do much, so everyone just hung out and watched football and played a few games. After my nap, I was able to keep a little Pedialyte down (what the doctor's office recommended when Mommy called, because she was worried since I couldn't even keep water down.)
Here is the only picture of me that Mommy took yesterday. I was happy that Aunt Becky was reading to me, but I still felt pretty rotten, as you can see on my face.

I only ______ one time during the afternoon, and by suppertime, I was able to eat a few crackers and they stayed down. Daddy was finally able to eat a few crackers, and Grandma was feeling better too. I went to bed early, hoping that I would feel a whole lot better in the morning. And thankfully, yes, I do feel better (and so does Daddy and Grandma).
So, I am very glad that yesterday is over, and that the awful stomach bug was the 24 hour kind. Now, it is time to play!