In the morning, Mommy took me to the doctor for my check-up. I'm doing great and growing lots. I'm now 25 lb, 6 oz, which puts me just above the 25th percentile, and I'm 36 3/4" tall, which puts me above the 95th percentile. Yes, I am very tall for my age! I did very good when the doctor was examining me, and I didn't cry at all! (This is a BIG improvement over my past check-ups, when I would start crying when the nurse weighed me, and proceed to cry the rest of the visit!)
The nurse did a finger prick to test me for anemia and lead. She had to get about 15 drops of blood out of my finger, but I did great when she was doing it, because she gave me a sucker! (I'd never had one before, but I really liked it!) My iron level is great, but we have to wait to find out about the lead. Then, I got two shots, one in each leg. That part wasn't too good, but it didn't hurt for too long, and I had my doggy to snuggle with, so that made it much better!
Mommy and I then went home, so that I could have some lunch and take my nap, but those plans got a little interrupted. When we got home, Gpa came out and told us that Fed-Ex had brought me a present! This was the present...

And this was the reaction of Mommy and me when we saw the present!

This picture was taken by Aunt Becky. She and Uncle Nick brought Max to my house for my birthday! No one knew that they were coming, so they had surprised Gma and Gpa while we were gone, and surprised us when we got home!
Oh, and the story behind it all...
Gma and Gpa were so disappointed that they weren't going to be able to meet Max soon after he was born (they were traveling and had meetings) and they were hoping that Max would come for my birthday. When that wasn't going to happen, silly Uncle Nick said that maybe they would send Baby Max Fed-Ex, so that Gma and Gpa could meet him.
So when Nick and Becky decided at the last minute to come for my birthday, they made a little Fed-Ex onsie, made out a delivery tag, and actually had our neighbor Larry deliver Max to the door! (For more details from Uncle Nick, and more pictures, check out Max's blog!)
Mommy got to hold Baby Max, and I got to give him hugs!

I got to give Uncle Nick hugs too! I was so excited that they came for my birthday! (I had been asking about them all week, wondering if they were going to come and see me, but Mommy kept telling me they weren't.)

More hugs for Baby Max, before I had my lunch.

Mommy holding Max again, and making eye contact!

Max was getting hungry, so silly Uncle Nick was trying to keep Max content while Becky was getting things ready to feed him.
Yes, Baby Max really was sucking on his nose!
After all the excitement, lunch, and my nap, Nana, Papa, and Aunt Anna arrived. Yay! I got to play with them for a little while, then we surprised Daddy when he got home with the unexpected guests! We ate one of my favorite meals, spaghetti, and then went to play Putt-Putt!
Here is Daddy trying to help me!

Daddy helping me again, with everyone watching!

I think I'm going to need some more practice, but we all had a good time!

After we finished playing Putt-Putt, we stopped by a local donut shop, Krumpe's. Everyone here in Hagerstown has been telling us we needed to try some, and Mommy and Daddy thought my birthday was a great first time. (It is a little odd, because you have to go to the alley behind the family's house, where they have the bakery, to get fresh donuts, and only from 7 pm to 2 am (you can buy them at some local convenience stores too).
Then it was home, and time for me to get to bed. It was way past my bedtime, and I needed to get some rest, because today is going to be a big day!
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