Sunday, July 11, 2010

Typical Sunday Evening

For many years, Mommy's family has talked on Sunday nights, to catch up on the weeks events. Usually, this meant that Gma and Gpa would talk to each of their four kids at some point during the evening. In the last year or so, it started to be a bit of a competition between Mommy and Uncle Nick, who got to talk to Gma and Gpa first. (Of course, with Uncle Nick, just about everything is a competition!)

Now, thanks to technology, web cams, and a program called Vsee, we can all talk and see each other at the same time!

L-R, T-B: Me, Uncle Nick and Aunt Becky and Baby Max, Gma, Gpa, Uncle Drew and Uncle Bubba.

Yes, even when Gma and Gpa are in the same house, they use two different computers in two different rooms to talk. (It actually works better that way.) And some times, we even get Gigi on and we get to talk to her too!

This has been a really fun way for me to get to see and talk to my family on a regular basis. Plus I get to show off all the new things that I am learning, for a very encouraging audience!

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