Saturday, October 31, 2009

I turned into a pumpkin

Last Saturday we went and picked out pumpkins, and today, I turned into one! (Mommy decided that this would be a good, warm costume since the forecast wasn't looking too good for tonight and it is cold!)

Daddy wanted to look like a pumpkin too, but he isn't nearly as cute as I am!

Mommy decided that she would match my purple bag!

We went to a town nearby to go Trick-or Treating with some people that Daddy works with. It was fun to have other kids with me, to show me what I was supposed to do. I couldn't really say "trick-or-treat" or "thank you," so Mommy and Daddy had to do it for me. But that's OK, since they will probably eat most of my candy anyway!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Picking out a pumpkin

After a few days of rain, the sun finally came out for a little while today, so Mommy and Daddy took me to pick out a pumpkin. We didn't get to go out into the patch, or ride on the hay wagon because it was too wet, but I had a good time anyway.

They had pumpkins just my size!

I actually got a big pumpkin, and Mommy and Daddy each got a little one. Now they are sitting on top of the entertainment center in the living room. I guess Mommy put them there so that I wouldn't play with them. That's OK, they are fun to look at!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fun on a warm day

Today was a nice and warm day, and since Mommy isn't sure how many more days like this we are going to have, she wanted us to get outside. The neighbors had the same idea, and invited me to finger paint with them! (They even had a little apron for me!) I had a good time with the paint...

...but I had an even better time with the tricycle...

...and the scooter! I can't really do either of them myself, but I love to be pushed around on them!!!!

Time to let some energy out!

I was a really good girl all day. I was quiet when I was supposed to be, took a good nap, handled strangers well, and did an excellent job as a flower girl. So when the music started, so did I! (I needed to burn off some energy, and I had a good time doing it!)

Mommy and Daddy couldn't get me off the dance floor! I was having too much fun!

At one point, when there were a bunch of couples slow dancing, I just kept running in circles around one couple!

I was so wiggly and wanted to dance, this was the best family picture we got of us all dressed up. Don't Mommy and Daddy look nice!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cutest flower girl...

Everyone said that I did a really good job! I walked a long way all by my self, and wasn't even scared!
If you would like to see more pictures of me looking so adorable, let Mommy know and she can email you a link!

Heading to a wedding...

We went to Nana and PaPa's house this weekend, for Aunt Anna's wedding. While Mommy was packing the car, Lily decided that she wanted to go, and even offered to drive! Unfortunately, there wasn't room, so Lily had to stay home.

Nana had pulled out some of Anna's old toys for me to play with. It took me a little while, but I finally started to figure out how to keep the horse moving.

Nana also has there three ducks that quack when you pull them. I love to pull things, and I love the sound that they make!!

I had a good time playing while we were are Nana and PaPa's house!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My new winter hat!

Mommy got me this hat/mitten set a few months back (at a good price). So pulled it out with some of the other clothes she had gotten early for this winter, and decided to try it all on me. I really like my hat, and I had Mommy put my mittens back on when they fell off a few times!

So I look pretty cute, and I like wearing them, so this is good news for winter, when I am sure to need them!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Two of my favorite things...

...playing with Daddy,

and belly buttons!!! I like to find my own...

and other people's too!!

I found Daddy's belly button!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Playing outside on a beautiful day

It was so warm today, Mommy and I went out in shorts to play!

I had a good time going to get the ball after Mommy threw it!

Here I come!!!!

I love having a big yard to play in, especially when the weather is so nice!!

And I love running after my ball too!

Later on, I was able to play with Kendall, one of the kids next door. I also was introduced to this trike, and it is definitely me new favorite toy! If only I could reach the pedals!!!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I love balls, any kind of ball

I have definitely found my love for balls, any kind of ball. Mommy found the beach ball while she was packing and it has become my new favorite. It is big, and easy to pick up.

I found the little red football in the basement back in Danville, and Daddy has been trying to teach me special way to hold it. (Anyone know what a running back is?)

Look out Mommy, I've got my ball and I'm coming your way!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Our new house... really nice, and there is a lot of space for me to run around, inside and out. Just what I was hoping for!!

One big open room for the living room and dining room...

...with the bedrooms off of that room.

A nice big kitchen for Mommy, and it is even yellow!

Out the front door (we share the 'soccer field' with the neighbors).

Out the front door toward the neighbors house.

The backyard (that we also share) as seen from my bedroom.

The backyard on the left and the neighbor's house on the right.

The pretty tree Mommy gets to look at every morning while we eat breakfast!

So there is a little tour of the house. There is a full basement, but there isn't much down there, other than a lot of space, which will be good when it gets cold, because I'll be able to run around down there when we can't go outside!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Moving and unpacking!

So after everyone loaded the truck all day and cleaned the house all night (I helped sweep all day, but Mommy was too busy to get a picture of me doing it), we got on the road Saturday morning. It seemed (to me) that we were in the car forever, but it was nice that Grandma was there to keep me entertained while Mommy drove! Grandpa drove the truck with Lily, and Daddy was waiting at our new house when we got there. He had lined up some people to help unload the truck, and they did a great job. I got a quick tour of the house, and then I got to go make some new friends and play! (One of the ladies that Daddy works with lives just a few miles away and has a 3 year old daughter, so I went to their house to play while everyone else was working!)

When I got back to our new house, my room was all set up, with my new dresser and a lot of my toys all ready for me. They even had the living room and Mommy and Daddy's room pretty well set (the furniture at least). I went to bed, because it was a long day, and I think that everyone else did shortly after me.

On Sunday, I got to play and explore our new house while Grandma was unpacking the kitchen and Mommy, Daddy, and Grandpa were unpacking other things, and playing with me. Then we all went into town to eat lunch at Olive Garden! (I love those bread sticks!) We stopped to do a few errands, and Daddy drove us around a bit, showing us things he had found since he has been here. I fell asleep in the car, and took a nice long nap even after we got home, while everyone else continued to unpack.

Later in the afternoon, our neighbors stopped by to say hello and I got to meet the kids who live next door. I know that I am going to have a lot of fun with them!

On Monday, Daddy went to work, Grandma and Mommy were still unpacking, and Grandpa was playing with me! Then we got in the car, because we had to take Grandma and Grandpa to the airport in Baltimore. I fell asleep on the way, but woke up in time to tell them goodbye. It was a lot of fun having them here for a few days.

After we got back, Mommy caught me trying to wear her shoes! (This happens on a regular basis). And I can almost walk in them too!

I have been learning so much in the last few weeks. I have added new words to my vocabulary, such as ball and stop, and I am understanding more and more every day. I go over and point to the fridge when I want a drink, and I know where Mommy keeps my snacks, so I go and point to them when I am hungry. It won't be long before I'll be able to get them for myself!

Friday, October 2, 2009

15 months old!

You better not blink, because I'm growing up so fast you will miss something if you do!!

I like to make silly faces, especially when Mommy makes them at me, trying to get me to smile when she takes my picture!

The last few weeks have been really hectic for Mommy (not so much for me). Mommy has been trying to pack up the house, play with and take care of me, and still take a few pictures once in a while. I've been having fun playing with boxes and bubble wrap, and all sorts of fun things that Mommy has been trying to wrap and put in boxes. (I have been having fun taking things out of boxes and trying to unwrap them, but Mommy said that wasn't a good idea.)

This week has been a lot of fun. Grandma Erdmann came on Tuesday afternoon and has been helping Mommy pack, when she isn't playing with me! Grandpa Erdmann came last night, and he gave me so many hugs, I could hardly breath! But I was excited, because I remember him, and Grandma, from talking to them on the computer. (This was the first time that I went and hugged them right away, because I didn't think that they were strangers, and they were very excited about that!)

Today is pack the truck day, and the big yellow truck just got here, so I guess it's time to get to work. Nana and Papa, Uncle Phillip and Aunt Lindsay should be here soon, so that means I'll have lots of people to play with! Yeah for me!