Friday, April 23, 2010

The pretty girl and the pea!

I scared Mommy today. Really scared her! I kinda scared myself a little too. Here is the story...

I was happily eating lunch, while Mommy was doing dishes. Mommy finished the dishes and came to sit with me. I was eating one of my favorite foods, peas. Only Mommy noticed that I wasn't eating them any more, I was sticking my finger in my nose. Mommy thought that was a little strange and asked me to stop. She pulled my hand down, and I put it right back up.

Then, a light bulb went off in Mommy's brain! She pulled my hand away, tilted my head back, and looked into my nose. One nostril was clear, the other was green. Not boogie green, pea green. I had stuck a pea up my nose!!!

Mommy ran upstairs and got a big book (something about children's' health) and looked to see what they recommended for such an incident. "Hold a tissue up to your child's nose and have her blow her nose." So Mommy did exactly that. The only problem is, I haven't quite mastered blowing my nose, so when Mommy told me to blow, I blew out my mouth...not much help.

"If the object doesn't come out, contact your physician. Do not try to remove it with tweezers or a cotton swab. This could damage the inside of the nose." This was Mommy's fear, needing to go to the doctor, because Daddy had the car today (we still only have one) and he was at a lunch meeting.

Mommy decided she needed more advise before taking me to the ER, so she wheeled me (in my highchair still) over to the computer. She went to Google and typed in "pea in child's nose" and a whole bunch of web sites came up. Can you believe that? Other kids have done this too!!

Mommy read a few sites, most said to try and have the child blow it out (haha). Then one said to have the child sneeze, and to make then sneeze, have them sniff pepper. So Mommy went and got the big jar of pepper out of the cabinet and put it under my nose. My response..."Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm!" Yes, it was lunch time, I was still hungry, and I love pepper! Every time Mommy uses it, I have to have some too! So much for me sneezing.

By now, Mommy was starting to panic a little, so she called Daddy and told him he had to come home and take us to the doctor. Then she tried to get me to blow out my nose good. Mommy started reading the next website, trying to find another idea. She looked over at me, and could see the pea at the end of my nostril!

Now you have to understand, once I got that pea up my nose, I realized that it wasn't a good idea, because it didn't feel very good. That was why I was trying to get it out when Mommy saw me sticking my finger up my nose. Then, when Mommy was trying to help me get the pea out, I really realized that it shouldn't be there, so I was trying to help. So while Mommy was calling Daddy, and looking at the computer, I was trying to blow that pea out of my nose! And I got it to the end of my nostril, thank you.

So, Mommy saw the pea, and with her nice Mommy fingernails, she grabbed it and pulled it out. It was a little slippery, so it fell into the pocket of my bib. Mommy took a deep breath, and so did I! I could breath again through my nose!! Then Mommy called Daddy back and told him that everything was OK. Mommy looked over at me as I picked that silly pea out of my bib pocket and ate it! (Hey, I was still hungry!!)

Now Mommy says I can't have peas for a while. I hope she doesn't mean it. I really like peas, and I've learned my lesson. Mommy has made sure of that. PEAS GO IN THE MOUTH, NOT THE NOSE!

Sunny days!!

The weather has been getting warmer, and we have been spending more time outside! This morning, Mommy introduced me to sidewalk chalk and I am a big fan!!! Now I have lots of room for drawing, and Daddy won't be able to miss seeing it when he gets home!

I really like playing outside. I would play outside all the time, if only Mommy would let me!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fun at the city park!

This afternoon Mommy took me on an adventure!! We went to a park that has a big lake, with lots of ducks and geese. Mommy brought some bread, and I got to throw it (with a little help from Mommy) in the water for the ducks!!!

One duck seemed hungrier than all the rest, and stayed pretty close to me.

Then he even came out of the water and tried to get into the bag of bread! Mommy had to shoo him back into the water!

Then I got to play on a really fun playground! It had lots of slides and a tunnel! I really liked this tube slide!

After I played for a little bit, it was time to go pick up Daddy, but I didn't want to leave. I like slides way to much...maybe even more than Daddy, but don't tell him that!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Mommy enrolled me in a gymnastics class a few weeks ago, and I am really enjoying it! I am learning all kinds of new things, getting to run and jump, climb and hang on things besides Mommy!

Here is a picture of the gym that I go to!

Today, Daddy came to watch me, and see all the fun things I do! (So he got to take some pictures!) Here I am walking on the balance beam, and behind me is Zoey!

Here I am working on doing pull-ups on the bar. I'm getting pretty good at them!

I can even pull my feet up to the bar!

This is the 'pit''s filled with foam blocks and we get to jump and play in here! It is a little hard sometimes, but it is fun!

I really like gymnastics, and my teacher says that I'm really doing well for my age! I often get to be the class leader (the first to do each activity) and I really enjoy that! Daddy says this is the first step toward the 2024 Olympics!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

21 months

Growing, growing, growing, that is what I'm doing! And my hair is too!

Still just 10 teeth, but I'm working on will be here soon!

I haven't been very interested in potty training recently...just having too much fun playing to worry about it. I'm fine with things the way they are, and Mommy is learning to accept that. Don't worry Mommy, I promise not to wear a diaper to prom!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My new favorite activity, and an old favorite!

We've been staying with Nana and Papa all week while Daddy works with some of his colleagues here in NC. It has been really fun! We haven't been able to play outside much, because the pollen is really bad, and is making my (and just about everyone's) allergies act up. We have managed to do some fun things though. Nana took me to get pictures taken one day, and I got to go shopping with Mommy. I went to Aunt Lindsay's parent's farm and got to see a puppy, two little dogs, and bunch of big dogs, some miniature cows, and two horses! I even got to pet the horse's nose!! I've had fun playing with Ru-ru (Rudy, Nana and Papa's dog), and especially spending lots of time with Nana and Papa!!

My new favorite activity Nana taught me...pulling the yellow flowers off of dandelions. Now, every time I go outside, that it what I do!

And an old favorite activity, flying!!

Watch how high Daddy throws me!

Weeeeeee!! Look at me!!

That's so much fun Daddy! Do it again, please!

Well, now it's time to get on the road and head home, back to Maryland!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday...all dressed up!

Here I am, all dressed up in my pretty Easter dress. It was hand-made by a friend of Mommy! Don't I look so pretty!

I have my hair all done up too, and my new shoes!

Aunt Lindsay, Uncle Philip, me, Daddy, Aunt Anna and Mommy. (We missed Uncle Bryson, but he has working.)

Family photo!!

It sure is fun being at Nana and Papa's house!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Egg hunt #2

Today I got to go to another egg hunt, this one at Nana and Papa's church! After some games, and the pastor reading us the Easter story...

the hunt was on! I wasn't as excited about this hunt, because there wasn't any hunting to do, the eggs were just laying on the ground.

I did get a basket full, after a lot of prodding from Mommy and Daddy. (And the other girl in this picture was so funny, she only picked up pink eggs. I let her have them!)

I did enjoy opening all of my eggs and finding what was inside of them!!

Look at my hair!

Mommy got a little silly and put a whole bunch of little clips in my hair.

Its OK, I'm still cute as ever!

Nana and Papa got me a golf set and Daddy was trying to teach me the finer points of how to play. I liked the balls, but the clubs just seemed unnecessary...throwing the balls is much easier!
But Daddy wants me to use the clubs, so I'm trying!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Nana and Papa's house and an egg hunt!

Last night we drove back to North Carolina, back to Nana and Papa's house! I fell asleep on the way, but it still felt like it took forever! It was worth it though, when I got to see Nana and Papa this morning!! Mommy says that we are going to have a fun day today...

My very first egg hunt!! And it was on a farm! I got to see lots and lots of sheep, and even a big black bunny!

It didn't take me long to fill my basket. I did need a little help finding some of the eggs that were hiding in the tall clover.

Checking out what I found!

It's hot out here Mama, but look at what I have...eggs!!

I had a really good time finding the eggs, just like I had practiced doing at home. It was fun to run around with other kids, and even more fun to pull the eggs open. What I didn't like so much was the melted chocolate that got all over my hands from the chocolate eggs that were inside (I HATE having messy things on my hands). Daddy helped me out by licking the chocolate off for me!! What a great Daddy!