Thursday, September 24, 2009

My First Room

Mommy took these pictures of my first room before she started packing my things, so that I will always remember what it looked like. (I thought I'd share them so you could see too!)

I sure do have a lot of nice things!

Daddy has found a place for us all to live in Hagerstown, so we will be moving soon, and I won't live in this room any more. That will be a little sad (more so for Mommy than me), but I am excited about meeting new people and making new friends at our new home. But I will always miss the great friends that I have in Danville.

Playing outside!

I really like to run around outside, and Lily does too! We have such a nice backyard. I hope that we have a nice yard to play in when we get to Hagerstown. It won't be long before I can kick the ball and throw it all the time, and then I'm going to need a lot of space!

Monday, September 21, 2009

My Blanket

Yesterday after my nap, Daddy let me play with my blanket! I had so much fun trying to wrap it around myself.

And then running around the kitchen like someone was chasing me!

And then I thought that I could put it over my head, but I couldn't see very well and I ran into a few things.

Daddy thought that I was silly. Lily wasn't too impressed. But I had a lot of fun!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Noodles can be messy!

But they sure are good!!!

Tuna Noodle Casserole with of my favorite meals!

Sometimes it's hard to get those silly noodles in my mouth!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

I miss my Daddy!

Mommy says it was a short week, only 4 days, that Daddy was gone, and that we had an extra day with him home on Monday, but I still really missed my Daddy! It was a rough week for me. I got a sinus bug on Tuesday, with a drippy nose, and then on Thursday I finally got my third tooth! (Top left). Needless to say, I have been cranky most of the week.

Mommy got me up this morning, so I was even more hesitant around Daddy, which I don't think he took very well. It took Daddy bribing me with breakfast in order for me to warm up to him. But the rest of the day we played and had a good time together!

Mommy got the sinus bug too, and she has been trying to pack, so she hasn't taken any pictures of me this week (which is a nice change of pace, I must say). Daddy is home for the weekend again, Mommy is starting to feel better, and so am I! I'm just sad that Daddy is leaving again tomorrow.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Daddy's home, and football season has started!

It seems like it was forever, but Daddy finally came home! Mommy says it was just 5 days that he was gone, but it felt like forever to me. I was a little hesitant about Daddy at first, but I warmed up to him pretty quick. Here I am snuggling with him just after my nap, while he watched football.

Once I was good and awake, I wanted to show my Pirate Pride, so Mommy got my shirt out for me to wear!

"East Carolina in the world!"

Can you tell Daddy was excited to watch football, and to see me in my purple and gold!

Pirates! Arrggggg!

Later on I decided that I was just too cool, so I need to wear my sunglasses, in the house.

I played and kept them on for over 30 minutes, and Mommy and Daddy thought that I was silly, but I know I was looking good!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

14 months old!

This is my serious side. (And look, I have a bow in my hair, finally!)

A bit of a smile...

Now the real me comes shining through! Yes, I'm a silly little girl, and I love to laugh and smile.

Now for a few of my accomplishments...
Last week I got my first skinned knee. It happened while I was playing in the front yard with Mommy and Daddy. Mommy was trying to keep me in the grass, so I wouldn't fall on the concrete, but I didn't listen, and I fell. But I was having too much fun running around to let it slow me down (and it really wasn't that bad).
On Saturday, I spent the night at Nana and Papa's house (without Mommy and Daddy) for the first time. I had a lot of fun playing with Aunt Anna, Uncle Philip, and Aunt Lindsay, and Nana and Papa too!
I can point to a few parts of my face, like my ears and my nose. And when I point to my nose, I say "na"! I'm working on mouth, but the eyes confuse me because it sounds a lot like ears. I can also point to my belly button.
Mommy is trying to teach me some sign language. I haven't caught on to much yet, but I have learned the sign for "more", so I can ask for more when I am still hungry!

Check out my curls!!!

Daddy left for Hagerstown on Sunday, to start his new job, so it has just been the girls at home. Mommy now gets to give me a bath and put me to bed (this used to be my special time with Daddy). Mommy was surprised to see what happened to my hair after she tried to dry it with the towel!

Look, I've got curls! Mommy new that the back and sides curled a bit when it was really humid, but the top of my head is covered in them after my bath!

Mommy is hoping that as I get older and my hair grows some more, that I will have some curl to my hair, or at the very least, that my hair will hold a curl once it is there. I think it is funny how excited Mommy gets about my damp hair!