Saturday, January 23, 2010

Suppertime silliness

Tonight after dinner, while Mommy was cleaning up, I showed her some of the tricks I can do with my spoon! I have developed quite a talent for using my spoon, or a fork, for eating, as well as other fun pursuits.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Look what Mommy did to me!

Mommy decided that my hair has finally gotten long enough to put it in a pony tail on top of my head! Since I had just taken a bath and my hair was still a little damp, it curled perfectly! Mommy thinks I'm super cute (oh course I am), but Daddy thinks I look silly.

I think I'm pretty cute. Its hard being this cute some days!

I didn't want to stand still long enough for Mommy to take a picture, so she has a few action shots!

Everyone at church thought that I was absolutely adorable with my hair all done up, and I agree with them. What do you think??

Friday, January 8, 2010

Eating my yogurt

As simple as it is, today was quite a milestone for me. I have been eating yogurt almost every morning for months now, and Mommy has always fed it to me. Today, I got to eat it all by myself! I'm growing up, and I can handle a spoon pretty well, so Mommy let me try today, and I did an excellent job.

Yum! I really do like yogurt, and I like doing myself even more!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

18 months

So here I am, a year and a half old.

I'm working on two front teeth and a molar, so that is why I was a little cranky when we were in Iowa.

I don't like to sit still for pictures, because I want to see each one after Mommy takes it! (Once Mommy figured this out and started showing me, I was much more cooperative.)

A list of some of the things that I can do now:
~Feed myself with a spoon.
~Walk up and down two stairs all by myself.
~Brush my teeth, with a little help.
~Take a bath in the big tub.
~Say dog, and then bark. "uff, uff"
~Now use the "ssss" and "shhhh" sounds.
~Shake my head yes and mean it. (Mommy has found this to be very helpful)
~Climb on everything.
I really am not a fan of snow/cold/wind. And I no longer use a pacifier. (Mommy said that they got lost on the plane.)

At my doctor's visit, I got two more shots, but am almost done with my vaccinations. I am 22 pounds, 12 ounces (25th percentile), 34 inches tall (95th percentile), head circumference 47.5 cm (75th percentile). And on the weight-for-length scale, I'm still less than the 5th percentile...aka I'm long and lean, just like my parents!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My life in review

Mommy thought that this would be a good time to take a look back and see how much I've changed. Here is a picture history of me, month by month!

July 2008


January 2009










I sure have changed a lot in just a few months!

Monday, January 4, 2010

My new pajamas!

After my bath tonight, G-ma wanted to see me in the new pajamas she had made for me, and for my baby. I wasn't really in the mood for a fashion show, or anything else, except for sitting on Mommy's lap. (I've been in a bit of a mood again today.) So Mommy and G-ma got the PJ's on me, and then I made them work for the pictures.

As you can see here, I'm trying to decide just how much trouble I'm going to cause, while they try to take pictures of me.

I don't want to sit with G-ma, and you aren't going to make me. I can wiggle my way out!

They decided to try a new location, with Grandpa as a distraction. I let them have one good picture, although they didn't even bother to brush my hair (it tends to get a little wild after my bath)!

Then I discovered Gigi's full length mirror, and the very cute little girl looking back at me.

Uncle Drew came to say good-bye, but I wasn't really in the mood for hugs. I guess I'm just going to need more time to warm up to him next time we visit.

Time for bed. Tomorrow we are going home, so I need to get my beauty rest, not so much for my looks, 'cause I was blessed in that department, but more for my attitude. Sure hope the trip home is better than the trip here. I've had a lot of fun in Iowa, and can't wait to come back!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Here I am, all dressed for church in my Christmas dress. G-ma even found a purse for me (it used to be Mommy's) and I think it adds a lot to my outfit!

Grandma was trying to get all of the snuggles she could, but I just wasn't feeling very well, and wasn't in the mood to snuggle with anyone but Mommy.

We had a good time at church, and I met a lot of people who new Mommy when she was my age! I did pretty well being around so many strangers, especially since I was very clingy to Mommy all day. (I'm working on some more teeth and my mouth hurts!)

After my nap, it was time for more pictures, since Uncle Chris and Uncle Drew were there. Mommy was trying to figure out how to set her camera's timer and snapped this shot of Uncle Chris. (Well, the the camera took three shots in a row, but Mommy just picked one to put up!)

Then G-pa and Uncle Nick were helping Mommy get the camera positioned in the right place.

Uncle Nick sure is silly. And that face is pretty scary! Why does he have such a big tongue?? Is it because he has such a big mouth??

And finally, a picture of my family!

Since not everyone is as photogenic as I am, this was a bit of a feat to accomplish. It didn't help that my mood had improved only slightly, so everyone was trying to make sure that I was smiling.

We have been having lots of fun with family. Mommy has been playing lots of games, Daddy has played a few. I have been having lots of fun playing with my uncles, and Aunt Becky. And of course, it has been great to spend time with Gigi and Gigi-pa. It sure is too bad that we live so far away and can't do this more often!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Family Day

Today was family day. We spent the morning playing, and I accomplished a new milestone. I can walk up steps without holding onto anything!!! Granted, it was only two steps, and they are shorter than most, and have carpet that you can sink your feet into, but I did it! I did it quite a few times! Not so much on the going down that way, but I am now a pro at those two stairs! (Mommy never got a picture of me doing it, because she was so amazed that I was doing it!)

I also spent some time snuggling with Uncle Nick. He doesn't like to admit it, but he really does like me, and other little kids too. And he better get used to us, because I am going to have a cousin soon, and he is the father!

More family came for lunch and stayed the rest of the day. Carol and Gerald, Mommy's Great Aunt and Uncle, as well as their son Leighton, his wife Sarah, and their son Henry all came to play with me! It was fun to meet Henry...he likes to smile a lot and is a very happy baby. He is a little over a year younger than me, but I think he is bigger around than I am!

Gigi and Gigi-pa with the two great-grandkids!

Mommy, Daddy, and me with G-ma and G-pa.

Now all of us together! (G-ma and Mommy wanted to get some family pictures since we were all together. I wasn't excited about the idea, but oh well.)

I'm still the best looking one in the bunch!

Here is a good picture of Gigi and Gigi-pa.

Friday, January 1, 2010


I haven't really noticed, since I haven't been outside, but apparently it is really cold here in Iowa. And when I say really cold, I mean below zero, like 20 below zero!!! There isn't much wind, so I guess that is a good thing. I've never experienced this kind of cold, and I think that I will just stay right here in the house were it is nice and warm!!

Besides, Mommy and Grandma worked it out so that I have all sorts of fun things to play with...this really neat tunnel and tent!

Here I come!!

And a kitchen and tea set that Mommy and Grandma both played with when they were little!

Plus, we opened presents, and I got lots of fun stuff. Fruits and vegetables to go in my kitchen.

(Smile Mommy and G-pa, they are taking our picture!) Mommy helped me open my presents, but I'm getting so good at it now, I didn't need too much help.

See, first you take off the bow!

Then you tear off the paper, being sure to put each piece in a pile, or Mommy's hand, so that we don't make a mess!
I got some new pajamas from G-ma and G-pa, and also from Uncle Nick and Aunt Becky. I love warm PJ's! I also got a little backpack Aunt Becky made for me, a purse (because I am a young lady in training), some clothes for my baby doll, and some money so that I can pick out my own things (and because money doesn't take up much room in the suitcase!)
All of the Christmas celebrating sure is fun. When do we get to do it again?