Tuesday, December 1, 2009

17 months

I'm getting so big! And there is so much that I can do now...I am very active! I really enjoy being outside when it is warm! I like to run and Mommy has been teaching me how to do a somersault! I also like watching pictures of myself flash across the screen saver...Mommy says I'm watching the "Savannah Show"!

See my bottom teeth!

Now you can see all four! I really like having four teeth, because now I can tear my food with them! Maybe for Christmas I will get some more teeth! (I hear it is just around the corner!)

Daddy is a little worried that I don't have a lot to say, but I know a few words, like Mama, Dada, dog, stop, all done, ut oh, ball, Papa, and purple! I can shake my head yes and no, and shake it no a lot! I wave bye-bye, and blow kisses. I'm a really good hugger and when I give kisses, it is almost always two, one on each cheek!

I love dogs and cats and point them out when I see them. I also love to help, any way that I can. I'm really good at helping pick up toys! I love play kitchens, and now I don't mind when Mommy and Daddy leave me in the nursery, as long as there is one for me to play with!

I have become a big fan of french fries and chicken nuggets, but I don't get them very often. I also love pasta, cheese, and most fruits and vegetables. I am a really good eater most of the time, and Mommy constantly wonders if I have hollow legs!

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